Act of Consecration to Divine Mercy |
Act of Consecration to the Divine Mercy - Prayer at the back of prayercard:
Most Merciful Jesus, Your Goodness is infinate and the treasures of Your Grace inexhaustible. I have infinite trust in Your Mercy which is above all Your works (Ps. 144-9). I surrender myself to You entirely and without reserve that I may thus live and strive for Christian perfection. I disire to spread Your Mercy through the performance of both spiritual and corporal works of Mercy particulalry in converting sinners, in consoling and aiding the needy, the afflicted and the sick.
Guard me then as Your possession and Your glory, for which I have everything to fear from my human weakness, at the same time I have everything to hope for from Your Mercy. May all men come to know the fathomless depths of Your Mercy to confide in It and glorify It forever. Amen.
[ 5 for $2.00 ]
Patron of Travellers |
Patron of Travellers - Prayer at the back of prayercard:
Glorious Archangel St. Raphael, great prince of the heavenly court, you are illustrious for your gifts of wisdom and grace. You are a guide of those who journey by land or sea or air, consoler of the afflicted, and refuge of sinners. I beg you, assist me in all my needs and in all the sufferings of this life, as once you helped the young Tobias on his travels. Because you are the "medicine of God". I humble pray you will heal the many infirmities of my soul and the ills that afflict my body. I especially ask of you the favour (name it) and the great grace of purity to prepare me to be the temple of the Holy Spirit. Amen
Ref: PC-SR
[ 5 for $2.00 ]
Solemn Act of Entrustment of the World to the Divine Mercy |

Front Image

Back Prayer |
With the Holy Father’s visit to Poland in 2002 to formally consecrate the new Shrine of Divine Mercy, he entrusted the whole world to Divine Mercy. This prayercard has been designed with an excerpt from the Holy Father’s homily together with his Solemn Act of Entrustment to The Divine Mercy. Size: 85 x 155mm (3.5” x 6”).
Ref: PC-PEW1
[ 5 for $2.00 ]
The Miracle Prayer |
The Miracle Prayer on single sided prayercard.
Ref: MP
[ 5 for $1.00 ]
Thirst For You - Donation only
(Printed with permission
of the Missionary of Charity Fathers) |
"Behold I stand at the door and knock…..(Rev
This inspirational leaflet is an excellent prayer and tool
for evangelisation. Especially for the unchurched and other