Divine Mercy Prayer Card with optional prayers. |
Our 3 Most Popular High Quality Divine Mercy Prayercard.
These three prayercards below (350gsm) have a full-colour Divine Mercy image on the front. The back is printed in colour and has either:
(i) The Enthronement of the Miraculous Divine Mercy Image,
(ii) The 3 O’Clock Prayer combined with the Chaplet of Mercy,
or (iii) The Chaplet of Divine Mercy (surrounded by Rosary beads).
Excellent for personal use and to distribute among family, friends,
prayer groups and churches.
Choose a mixture of any of the three prayer cards for the special prices below:
Any 5 for $3.50, Any 50 for $20.00, Any 100 for $40.00.
Front 1 2 3

1. Enthronement of the Miraculous Divine Mercy Image.
Ref: PC10-DM-A
2. The 3 O'Clock Prayer combined with The Chaplet of Divine Mercy. 1998 Australian image inset. Colour.
Ref: PC-DMP1
3. The Chaplet of Divine Mercy.
Ref: PC10-DM
Divine Mercy Chaplet Prayer Card |

Ref: PC1 (blue) Ref: PC2 (green) Back of Prayercards
Divine Mercy Prayer Card - This two high quality prayercard (350gsm) has a full-colour Divine Mercy image on the front and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy on the back. Size: 70 x 110mm (2.75” x 4.25”).
Excellent for personal use and to distribute among family, friends, prayer groups and churches. Ideal to put as gifts in greeting cards or to have always in your prayer books.
Very Popular and new for 2005
[Special Introductory Price:
10 for $3.00, 25 for $6.00, 50 for $10.00]